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Red Kite Learning Trust

What we're proud of...


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At Western we have seven SUCCESS teams. These teams were established to enable members of staff, alongside pupils, to monitor all aspects of our curriculum offer and ensure it is constantly developing and improving.

These groups are:

  • Core Curriculum ~ English, Maths and Science
  • Humanities ~ History, Geography and R.E
  •  Design and the Arts ~ Art, DT, Drama, Music
  •  Digital Technology ~ ICT, I-Pads, website, computing, e-safety
  • Equal Opportunities ~ SEND, Safeguarding, PSHCE, Inclusion, Behaviour
  • Health Matters ~ P.E, Health, Mental Health, Food, Healthy Schools
  • Values ~ School Values, SMSC, British Values, Charities, Wider Curriculum, Community, Transition, Characteristics of an Effective Learner.

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Each SUCCESS group has key leaders who are responsible for leading and developing specific curriculum subjects and areas of our school. These teams are also supported by our SUCCESS group children who support leaders to monitor evaluate and offer their voice school development. We are also supported by our school governing body as part of our SUCCESS work.

Children are elected, by their classmates, and work with teachers to achieve Success as part of a team.

Once a term, all the children who represent the Success Groups, meet in a Forum to share their experiences and to discuss what they have been involved in during the current term as well as to share what they will be doing in the future. 

This page aims to keep you up-to-date with what each Success Group has been up to!



Western Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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