Science Intent
Our curriculum provides children with the foundations for understanding, but also questioning, the world of science, whilst acquiring specific skills and knowledge to help them to think scientifically, gain an understanding of scientific processes and an appreciation of the applications and potential of science today and for the future.
Inspiring ambitious and curious learners
Science is a core subject taught weekly. The children are inspired to develop their ‘science capital’ through exciting experiences, practical activities, trips and visits. Their curiosity is piqued by the use of technology to immerse themselves in the scientific world, but also make it relevant to modern life. Children are encouraged to ask questions, discuss and investigate scientific phenomena and think of themselves as scientists. Scientific teaching allows children to recap prior learning, consolidate knowledge and link it to new learning. Continual formative assessment takes place, utilising questions, quizzes and activities to check for misconceptions and determine how well learning has been embedded in the long-term memory. This enables teachers to tailor their lessons for maximum learning. Alongside this, formal termly quizzing takes place across our school to identify any areas which may require further teaching input.
Teaching scientific vocabulary enables children to understand and use subject specific language with confidence from a young age. This increases a child’s ‘science capital’ by enabling them to think like a scientist and see science in every aspect of their lives. Ambitious vocabulary is expected, modelled and used in all subjects by teachers and children alike, across all phases of our school.
Scientific skills
Scientific skills or disciplinary skills are developed from EYFS to Year 6. Children are encouraged to learn how scientists investigate and research. The children then replicate these skills during practical and theoretical lessons, making cross-curricular links using skills and knowledge taught, not just in science, but in maths and other subjects too.
Exceptional Learning
High expectations are evident throughout the curriculum at Western and the use of the iPads in science is no exception. In KS1, children have used iPads to see organs in the human body using ‘curioscope’ and a ‘virtual tee’. In upper KS2, iPads have been used to create a model of the Earth orbiting around the Sun using ‘Augmented Reality’. Using technology in this way facilitates both curiosity and a deeper understanding of science and its relevance to children’s lives.