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Red Kite Learning Trust




History Intent

Through the systematic teaching of engaging topics, we aim to develop curiosity about historical events, their chronology and how they have impacted on our lives today. We encourage the use of questioning and analytical skills to further develop the children’s understanding and aim to bring history to life through the use of artefacts, visitors, educational visits and links to our local area.

Our History Journey

History Journey

Inspiring ambitious learners

At the start of a new History focus, children will be introduced to a question which will thread through their learning journey. This generates curiosity and interest and could include a question such as: ‘How did Henry VIII change Britain?’ Launch events inspire curious and ambitious learners and can involve trips or visitors into school.

Using the ‘Principles of Teaching and Learning’, children are encouraged to ask questions from the start. Recapping on previous learning and historical vocabulary allows children to review and consolidate knowledge in history and link it to new learning. Continual assessment takes place, utilising questions as well as quizzing to check prior understanding and how well learning has embedded. More formal termly quizzing takes place across school to identify any areas which may require further input.


Teaching historical vocabulary enables children to understand and use subject specific language with confidence and subsequently understand and use the vocabulary like a Historian. Using ambitious vocabulary in all subjects is expected, modelled and used by teachers and children alike.

Historical skills

At Western, children will be encouraged to question, compare and contrast historical events with previous learning; analyse and investigate the historical evidence and consider and question its relevance.

Exceptional Learning

High expectations are evident throughout the curriculum at Western and the use of the iPads in history is no exception. In upper KS2, iPads have been used to create ‘virtual timelines’ using Augmented Reality. In KS1, children have created visually engaging iMovies about the History of Harrogate.

At the end of a particular history focus, parents and carers are welcomed into school to celebrate the learning which has taken place. This may take the form of an exhibition or performance and is a wonderful way to showcase the children’s knowledge and learning.v

History at Western

Western Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH