Computing Intent
We want our children to leave Western Primary School equipped with the computing skills and knowledge they need in order to be technologically capable young adults. They will learn how to be responsible users of the internet through E-Safety lessons and discussions. Children will learn how to code and develop skills that will allow them to be fluent in multiple programming languages and have a rich understanding of computing eco-systems. Pupils at Western will be encouraged to be creative, imaginative and logical problem solvers with a rich blend of skills that will equip them in the digital world.
Computing curriculum journey
Inspiring ambitious learners
Western follows the ambitious Teach Computing curriculum developed by the National Centre for Computing Education from Years 1 to 6. This scheme is underpinned by 12 principles of Computing pedagogy. The curriculum is designed using a spiral approach so that themes are continually revisited and consolidated, ensuring that children build on their prior learning.
Children embark on an exciting journey from EYFS through to Year 6, progressively developing their computing knowledge and skills. In EYFS, children explore digital devices and the digital world through stimulating experiences and the use of physical resources.
In KS1, they use 1:1 iPads to develop a range skills from: digital writing, painting, making music, photography and programming using Scratch. The curriculum ‘comes to life’ using Bee-Bots and Spheros to explore practical computing.
In KS2, the children build on these skills and learn about stop animation, desktop publishing, data logging and move onto more advanced coding using BBC Micro:Bits to solve problems through coding and to find solutions to everyday problems. We use modern programming languages like Swift Playgrounds (Apple) to ensure our children have access to the very latest developments in technology.
Vocabulary is an important aspect of teaching and learning and the children use vocabulary in computing to unlock a wealth of understanding. Vocabulary is used to identify computing concepts and to build a concrete understanding of new terms and labels. New vocabulary is introduced progressively and revisited often to embed the understanding and learning of key words.

Computing skills
At Western, children are encouraged to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. The children learn and refine a range of cross curricular digital skills alongside computing concepts and programming. We aim for our children to be creators and not just consumers of the digital world in which they are growing up. We provide them with the skills and knowledge they need for the future.
Exceptional Learning
We aim to provide exceptional learning experiences for our children. This is evident in the range and breadth of activities that our children are exposed to. In KS1, children learn how to combine spoken language skills with video editing using green screen to make videos about their learning.
In KS2, children have animated the path of the titanic in keynote and used time lapsing to record science activities. They have applied their programing skills and used BBC Micro:Bits to build electrical conductors.