Western PTA
The Western Family and Friends group is a key part of the Western community. We aim to enhance the primary school experience for our children and support the school; it’s also a great way to get to know other parents and carers.
We believe the events and activities we organise are key to providing the community feel we all value so much in the school. We want our children to have a fantastic time at Western and lots of their memories are of the fun things they do outside the classroom. There’s lots going on from hot dog stalls to full fairs in the playground, and they all rely on the Friends and Family team to make them happen. There are also events for grownups which are a great way to get to know the other parents as well as raising money and having a laugh.
It’s really good for children to see their parents getting involved with their school as it makes them value it more themselves so we try to promote a variety of ways for parents to do this.
We aim to raise around £15,000 of funding for the school per year of which £600 goes directly to each key stage group to plan fun activities to support their curriculum.
Friends & Family Team
We manage our fundraising efforts in various ways. You are welcome to get involved in any that interest you. The PTA committee has overall responsibility for fundraising.
The PTA team meet every half term on varied days and times in order to allow as many interested parents as possible to attend. These meetings allow us to discuss ideas and plan fundraising and social events. Upcoming meetings are advertised in the school Friday Newsletter and on the PTA noticeboard. All are welcome.
In parallel, each class has a “Class Representative”. This role provides a link between the teacher and parents for each year group, and helps co-ordinate activities for the children and parents at a year group level.
Get involved
We organise school wide activities for all (PTA) - not just for kids! Friends & Family are actively encouraged to participate in school life, from helping our kids to read, selling Christmas trees, to shopping online. If you have an hour or two to spare, every little helps!
See the newsletter or our Facebook group for what’s coming up. All skills appreciated whether helping children to read, fundraising ideas, beat the goalie or selling cakes on a Friday!
As well as supporting your child’s school getting involved is a great chance to meet other parents, expand your social life and even an excuse to try out new bars in Harrogate!
The teachers always welcome support from parents and carers and there are many ways to get involved. You can join in by helping supervise school events such as walks in Valley Gardens and trips to the seaside and The Deep, going into the classroom to read with the children, sending in topical talking points for show and tell or even giving a talk on a subject which links in with their learning.
Of course everyone has different limits on their time and availability but every little you can contribute makes a big difference to the whole school experience.
6 reasons why Western Friends & Family PTA really matters…
Contact us!
Friends & Family is an informal, eclectic group, there´s no obligation to be part of a "committee", just an appetite to get involved and make a difference to our kids school days. If a group of parents want to get together and arrange something just for their class / year etc. please feel free - - the more the merrier! The F&F team will be happy to help provide resources to support as required.
Please contact us at:
- Email at westernprimarypta@gmail.com
- Come along to a meeting (we meet once per term)
- Join our Facebook group - “Western Family & Friends (PTA)”
- Respond to requests for helpers in the newsletter
- Speak to your Class Rep