Lunch Times
We believe that healthy eating is an important aspect of education
Fuelling our children with the knowledge and understanding of the importance of eating a balanced diet, runs right through our school. From healthy snacks served in Foundation and KS1 to competitions for healthy packed lunches, we encourage all our children to eat well. Working in partnership with Hutchison Catering, our hot lunches are an excellent source of nutrition, very good value and are prepared on site every day, with fresh local ingredients where available. Lunch is available for all children in nursery through to Year 6. We are proud to say that more children than ever before are now enjoying our hot school lunches.
To ensure the safety of children with allergies, no food products containing nuts, peanuts or coconut (including "traces of") are allowed in school.
Our menus are available for you to view below. At times, it may be necessary to change the menu at short notice due to unforeseen circumstances. However, all lunches will always be well balanced and nutritious.

KS2 Snack
Pupils in Year 3-6 can chose to either bring their own healthy snack from home for the mid-morning break, or pay per half term for a school snack.
Payments for school dinners and KS2 snack can be made via Arbor.
Children under 5 receive free milk each day, provided by our supplier ‘Cool Milk’.
Children are encouraged to bring a named water bottle to school with them, which they can refill as needed throughout the day.