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Red Kite Learning Trust
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For Parents/Carers


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Western Primary School, part of Red Kite Learning Trust, takes pupils from the ages of 2 to 11. It is currently organised in 2 forms of entry with mixed aged groups in Key Stage 2, and runs its own nursery.

We hold a series of open sessions for both FS1 (Nursery) and FS2 (Reception) during the year. 

Our FS2 (Reception) open sessions are usually held around November in advance of the deadline for admissions to Primary School.  You are shown around the school by our Year 6 pupils and have the opportunity to speak to the Head Teacher and Foundation Stage Team Leader.

We hold FS1 (Nursery) open sessions depending on demand. FS1 pupils are visited at home by the Nursery staff and offered the opportunity to ‘stay and play’ ahead of taking up a place. 

Please contact the school office to leave your details so that we can send you an invitation to attend the relevant open sessions once dates have been finalised.

Applying for Primary Places to Start in September 2025

Red Kite Learning Trust is its own admission authority and applications for the school are co-ordinated by North Yorkshire Council, as the Local Authority. 

The application window opens on 12th October 2024.

The deadline for Reception applications for September 2025 is 15th January 2025

On National offer Day (16 April 2025), North Yorkshire County Council will make the formal offer of a place to applicants on behalf of our Trust.

For application enquiries, contact the North Yorkshire Council Admissions Team on 0300 131 2131 or visit School Admissions - North Yorkshire Council

Apply online

See further details

Admissions Policies

Admissions Policy 2026-27

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Admissions Policy 2024-25


Parents and carers may appeal against the Trust’s decision not to offer their child a place at the school. The appeals are arranged by North Yorkshire Council.  Appeals submitted for a Reception place, for a child to start school at the beginning of the academic year in September, will need to be received by North Yorkshire Council’s deadline to guarantee being heard before the new school year starts (see below link).

Appeals information

Appeals against a decision for an in-year application can be submitted at any time during the school year.

The appeal panel is independent of the school and council and the decision is legally binding.

In-Year Admissions

If you would like to change schools, or if you are moving into the area for example, you can apply for a school transfer by making an in-year application.

An in-year application is for the admission of a child to Reception if submitted on or after the first day of the first school term of the admission year; or it is for the admission of a child to any other age group at any time.

Red Kite Learning Trust and its Harrogate schools are part of the North Yorkshire Council co-ordinated in-year admissions scheme.

How to Apply

Parents and carers may apply at any time for an in-year school place.  Application forms are provided and processed by North Yorkshire Council: (tel. 0300 131 2131).

You can apply for a place online using the local authority in-year application form at:

Changing schools and in year applications | North Yorkshire County Council

If you have moved to a new house, please upload evidence of the move with the online application.

Parents and carers will be notified in writing by North Yorkshire Council of the school’s decision. This will be within 15 school days of your in-year application being received.

In-Year Appeals

If your in-year application is unsuccessful, you will have the right of appeal against the school’s decision.

Appeals are arranged by North Yorkshire Council and you can find the appeal form and information at:

Appeal for a school place | North Yorkshire Council

Western Primary_copyright (50)

Western Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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